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Marvel Star Will Poulter Says Superhero Body Transformations Are 'Unhealthy' and 'Unrealistic'

Will Poulter Adam Warlock
Source: Twitter

Will Poulter, one of the MCU's newest actors, has stated that getting a superhuman physical change without a studio paying for your meals and training is "unhealthy" and "unrealistic."

In a recent interview with The Independent, he said, "It's difficult to talk about it because with Marvel it's all secret squirrel." "However, the most important thing is that your mental and physical wellness come first, with aesthetic aspirations coming second." If you don't have the financial backing of a studio to pay for your meals and training, you'll wind up advocating something unhealthy and unrealistic.In that regard, I'm in a really fortunate position, and I wouldn't advise someone to prepare for that job the way I did."

What is this job that Poulter is referring to? His role as Adam Warlock, a genetically engineered superhuman in the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 film, which will be released next year.

Later in the conversation, the actor detailed exactly what he needed to do to prepare for the part.

"A lot of gym work and a very, very precise diet," Poulter explained. "There are times when you have too much food and other times when you don't have enough food. Over the previous few months, I've tried a number of various diets.I'm currently in a maintenance phase, which is rather pleasant. I'm not bulking up by eating a lot of food, and I'm not cutting. I'm just trying to keep my weight in check. I've had phases where I couldn't look at food because I couldn't bear it, and then you blink and you're ready to eat furniture because you're so hungry."

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Poulter has been avoiding dinners with friends and abstaining from alcohol for the past few months. He didn't drink since New Year's Eve, so we can safely assume he's looking forward to being able to let loose sooner rather than later.

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"Your entire social life has to take a back seat," he explained."I'm stuck in a pattern so rigid that I haven't been able to go out for dinner with friends in a long time." I'm excited to be able to do so once more."

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